Oracle 2002 Survey
Results of Oracle 2002 Questionnaire
Compiled by Peter Bloom, Mary Myers, and Nancy Anderson
As their Oracle offering, Peter Bloom, Mary Myers and Nancy Anderson designed and distributed a questionnaire that surveyed attendees about their shamanic practices. 74 of 112 attendees responded to the questionnaire. Below are three links related to their offering, including the survey report of questionnaire findings. Click on any link to go to the respective PDF file (You will need Adobe).
Oracle 2002 Survey Report
- This report is a 15-page analysis of the data collected from Oracle attendees who participated in the survey. (PDF file)
Oracle 2002 Recommendations
- This six page list of recommendations was collected on the questionnaires given to Oracle attendees. It includes shamanic books, workshops, website links, and other resources that were recommended by questionnaire respondents. It is a compilation of all resources listed by individuals completing the survey and should not be misconstrued as the recommendations of Shamanic Circles, Council members, or the Oracle village as a whole. (PDF file)
Oracle 2002 Questionnaire
- This is the questionnaire used in the survey. (PDF file)
The authors of this report are grateful for the time and consideration that many attendees at the Oracle 2002 Gathering gave to the questionnaire. As a result, we have been able to undertake what we believe to be the first statistical investigation of attendees at a shamanic gathering. The results have been interesting and provide impetus and direction for further study.