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Winter Solstice 2007
· Kimberly
· Santa Cruz



Hi, I want to share what two of us did for this past Winter Solstice at my house. Other friends joined us in spirit from their respective homes when they could. Because there were just two of us, we worked less systematically than the outline of topics below indicates.

OVERALL STRUCTURE: We tackled different aspects of the Shift by spontaneously offering spoken prayers, songs, chants and dances throughout the evening. We began at 9 pm and ended around 1:30 am, with some breaks in-between.

Commencement Rites: I smudged my entire house beforehand and set up an altar with offerings to use for prayer bundles and other items that were spiritually meaningful to me and intuitively called for. We smudged our drums, etc. and we sang and drummed the entire Medicine Wheel (animals focus) as our first piece of work. It was a powerful commencement.

In retrospect I see that we constructed an energetic Medicine Wheel first, then made our prayer bundles and placed them in the centre of it.

Community Prayer Bundle: Wwe put our songs, chants, prayers, etc. into it. We burned this at the end of evening and later still (to be honest, it took several attempts to burn it completely as fire codes forbid a proper fire in the city and it was a large bundle; I know that it's the sincerity that matters rather than the perfection of the execution).

Land Bundle: I made up another bundle at the same time for a specific piece of land near here; since then I have felt called to add more songs/prayers and will soon be taking the bundle to the land in question. Joanne also wanted to make a prayer bundle to take for the Medicine Wheel in her back yard. She has hung it up on the tree in the centre so that the wind carries our prayers out.

List of topics to guide our efforts
: all our relations
: healed Earth/humanity's change of heart towards the earth
: Oneness
: balance
: respect for masculine & feminine
: abundance consciousness (White Buffalo songs)
: world peace
: future generations
: indigenous rights/justice
: World Leaders
: the future
: others?

Songs and Chants:
- in addition to the Medicine Wheel songs, we exchanged songs either taught to us within community or given from spirit
- some channelled singing on the spot
- spontaneous jams - I especially remember how we ended the evening - we took the Beatles refrain "all you need is love" and kept adding new versions, such as "all you need is peace", "all you need is courage", etc..

- Before feasting, we offered food to our Ancestors, and to the Spirits.

bright blessings, Kimberley
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Santa Cruz Circle

Winter Solstice 2007

Winter Solstice 2007

Winter Solstice 2007

Winter Solstice 2007

Winter Solstice 2007

Winter Solstice 2007

Winter Solstice 2007

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