Subscribe to our Podcast

Carol's monthly Reflections on the Practice of Shamanism is now available as a podcast from iTunes.

When Susan first proposed making sound files and podcasts, I wondered just what could be the value but she clearly had a vision for doing these. Having listened to her speaking the newsletters, I have been struck by how listening can provide a different experience than reading; some of us prefer one or the other.

In addition, having the iTunes newsletter podcasts is another way to reach out beyond my immediate shamanic community and share with others who might wish to understand more about the shamanic path. I am very grateful to Susan for making these files and to Gayle for posting them at this site. If you have any comments, please send them to me. I do reply to my emails.

How to subscribe

  • Install and set up iTunes on your computer:
    1. Install iTunes on your computer. You do not need to have an iPod or mp3 player to subscribe to the podcasts.
    2. Open iTunes on your computer. Click "iTunes Store" in the left navigation. you may be asked to set up an account, even though the podcasts are free.
  • Locate the podcast one of the following ways:
    1. Link directly to the podcast.
    2. OR search "Proudfoot-Edgar" in the iTunes store search box.
  • Once you have located the podcast, click the Subscribe Free button under the Spiral image.




Copyright © 2019 Carol Proudfoot Edgar
Not to be reproduced without permission